It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything.

Par Plutarch

Burning bridges behind you is understandable. It's the bridges before us that we burn, not realizing we may need to cross, that brings regret.

Par Anthony Liccione

If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.

Par Clint Eastwood

Being safe doesn't mean you won't be sorry.

Par Katerina Stoykova Klemer

The greatest risk to man is not that he aims too high and misses, but that he aims too low and hits.

Par Michaelangelo

I'm starting to think that my level of intrigue outweighs my fear of controversy.

Par Criss Jami

The choice to avoid risk is the choice to avoid living, and to avoid living is one of the greatest risk of all.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Wisdom mitigates the risk of being honest.

Par Toba Beta

To take that risk, to offer life and remain alive, open yourself like this and become whole.

Par Margaret Atwood

He reached out and intertwined our hands. Gently urging me forward he whispered, “Have I lost you love?

Par Erin Jamison

You must go further than I did," Nedra said. "You know that."

Par James Salter

Hypocrite shouts about the change,

Par Toba Beta

If you play it safe in life, you've decided that you don't want to grow anymore.

Par Shirley Hufstedler

You won't be a wiser man if you always

Par Toba Beta

Not learning by doing,

Par Toba Beta