Some things take so long

Par George Harrison

You know what sucks about sorry? It's the worst word in the world. Because it always happens after you fuck up something good.

Par Brigid Kemmerer

A tragedy need not have blood and death; it's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of tragedy.

Par Jean Racine

Carrie doesn't seem to talk about anything with sharp edges. Maybe she's afraid they might poke her and then she'd burst.

Par Lisa McMann

Some of the most beautiful things we have in life comes from our mistakes.

Par Surgeo Bell

Once you start down the slippery slope of depression, it's hard to climb off of it. And sometimes you don't want to climb off of it.

Par Keary Taylor

In the silence, she felt the past and the present shift and mix, but that was a mirage. There was no way to comfort the lost boy he'd been back then.

Par J.R. Ward

I love walking in the rain because no one can see me crying

Par Rowan Atkinson

Sadness is a vice.

Par Gustave Flaubert

I thought living dead girls couldn't feel pain, thought I was emptied out but I'm not, I'm not.

Par Elizabeth Scott

i want to give up my bearings, slip out of who i am, shed everything, the way a snake discards old skin.

Par Khaled Hosseini

And empty words are evil.

Par Homer

When your sad--like really sad--you only want to be with other people who are sad.

Par Nick Hornby

Sorry excuses for hunters and friends. Both of us.

Par Suzanne Collins

I don't think all writers are sad, she said.

Par Lang Leav