Remember that things are not always as they appear to be… Curiosity creates possibilities and opportunities.
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Roy T. Bennett

Stop doing what is easy. Start doing what is right.

By Roy T. Bennett

Don't wait for the right moment to start, start and make each moment right.

By Roy T. Bennett

Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people.

By Roy T. Bennett

Don’t wait for things to happen. Make them happen.

By Roy T. Bennett

Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.

By Roy T. Bennett

It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is you get up one more time than you were knocked down.

By Roy T. Bennett

Nothing makes a person happier than having a happy heart.

By Roy T. Bennett

Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey.

By Roy T. Bennett

It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain.

By Roy T. Bennett

Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength.

By Roy T. Bennett

Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance.

By Roy T. Bennett

Never let hard lessons harden your heart; the hard lessons of life are meant to make you better, not bitter.

By Roy T. Bennett

Most of us must learn to love people and use things rather than loving things and using people.

By Roy T. Bennett

Learning to distance yourself from all the negativity is one of the greatest lessons to achieve inner peace.

By Roy T. Bennett

If you don't know who you truly are, you'll never know what you really want.

By Roy T. Bennett
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