You realize that our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past.
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Chuck Palahniuk

All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.

By Chuck Palahniuk

Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit. I am a rock. A jerk. I'm an uncaring asshole and proud of it.

By Chuck Palahniuk

It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.

By Chuck Palahniuk

Just for the record, she still loves you. She wouldn't bother to torture you if she didn't.

By Chuck Palahniuk

Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them.

By Chuck Palahniuk

Make me into anything, but just love me.

By Chuck Palahniuk

No matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close.

By Chuck Palahniuk

If you love something set it free, but don't be surprised if it comes back with herpes.

By Chuck Palahniuk

You know how they say you only hurt the ones you love? Well, it works both ways.

By Chuck Palahniuk

The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person.

By Chuck Palahniuk

It's not love or anything, but I think I like you, too.

By Chuck Palahniuk

The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.

By Chuck Palahniuk

It's all mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power, the same way money is power, the same way a gun is power.

By Chuck Palahniuk

It's all mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power the same way money is power the same way a gun is power.

By Chuck Palahniuk
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