Do you know what your problem is? You can't live with the idea that someone might leave.
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John Green

Augustus," I said. "Really. You don't have to do this."

By John Green

he is both the source of my happiness and the one i want to share it with.

By John Green

I liked being a person. I wanted to keep at it.

By John Green

Life has become the future. Every moment of your life is lived for the future.

By John Green

I just want to do something that matters. Or be something that matters. I just want to matter.

By John Green

To be alive is to be missing.

By John Green

Imagine others complexly.

By John Green

I don't know how I look, but I know how I feel: Young. Goofy. Infinite.

By John Green

He shook his head, just looking at me.

By John Green The Fault in Our Stars

I came here looking for a Great Perhaps, for real friends and a more-than-minor life..

By John Green

The thing about a spiral is, if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening, infinitely.

By John Green

Me: “I refuse to attend Support Group.

By John Green

At some point we all look up and realize we are lost in a maze.

By John Green

You do not immortalize the lost by writing about them. Language buries, but does not resurrect.

By John Green

Some people have lives; some people have music.

By John Green
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