Love is the seed of every achievement and every happiness.
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Debasish Mridha MD

Our heart doesn't care for success, but longs for love and happiness. Our ego looks for futile success relentlessly.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Success is nothing but a perception of triumph in the face of tragic failure.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Celebrate every day, every moment, every success and failure. Life is a celebration of love and consciousness.

By Debasish Mridha MD

To listen be silent, to succeed be persistent.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Every success demands some kind of sacrifice, so don't fear to do it, do it with love.

By Debasish Mridha MD

We can't go back to yesterday, but we can triumph in tomorrow.

By Debasish Mridha MD

You're looking for success, but it's not out there, it is inside you. Be and become successful.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Shut the window to all problems and focus on finding the doors to opportunity.

By Debasish Mridha MD

I am hopeful, I see seeds of success germinating with every failure.

By Debasish Mridha MD

You will always be where you're meant to be.

By Debasish Mridha MD

As the most beautiful rose grows next to a painful thorn, so is the most joyful success residing next to the most painful failures.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Life is a game, so never forget to enjoy success as well as failures.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Life is a game, so never forget to enjoy the success as well as failures.

By Debasish Mridha MD

Problems are not strangers, they are true teachers.

By Debasish Mridha MD

The past will never find you to hurt you, but it never forgets to remind you of the lessons you learned from the successes and failures of the past.

By Debasish Mridha MD
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