There is happiness to be found in your life when you realize the value you hold in the world. You are valuable. Your presence contributes to society.
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Avina Celeste

Don’t be resentful of others’ success, celebrate it. Success is not a limited resource and other people’s success doesn’t have to hinder yours.

By Avina Celeste

Win or lose, you are trying, that's what matters.

By Avina Celeste

You'll see so much more beauty in the world if you can accept that there is good in every little thing around you.

By Avina Celeste

Look around and see the wonderful beauty in the world around you.

By Avina Celeste

Every moment of happiness, small or large, reminds me how very beautiful this world truly is.

By Avina Celeste

Your true beauty is found in being yourself.

By Avina Celeste

Don’t close your heart off to the beauty of the world. Let the light shine over you.

By Avina Celeste
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