Usually, there is nothing more pleasing that returning to a place where you have endured hardship.
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Tahir Shah

I was becoming addicted to Bombay. There was squalor and poverty, but I had begun to realise my good fortune and would never again forget it.

By Tahir Shah

The ancient paused for a moment, as if his strength were failing. Yet I sensed that there was more to tell. Looking deep into my eyes, he whispered:

By Tahir Shah

Once in a very long time you come across a book that is far, far more than the ink, the glue and the paper, a book that seeps into your blood.

By Tahir Shah

One senses that, in these conditions, no amount of wet-wiping could bring true hygiene.

By Tahir Shah

I had learned years ago never to give original documents to anyone if I could help it.

By Tahir Shah

As anyone who's ever taken an Ethiopian bus knows, there is an unwritten rule that the windows must remain firmly closed.

By Tahir Shah

Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent.

By Tahir Shah

There's nothing like a pack of mules to give one a sense of entourage.

By Tahir Shah

In some peculiar way, indeed, the rules were now beginning to seem quite logical. It was then I knew that I had been in India long enough.

By Tahir Shah

As a travel writer I've specialized in gritty, fearful destinations, the kind of places that make a reader's hair stick on end.

By Tahir Shah

For me, a journey to Damascus is an amazing hunt from beginning to end, a slice through layers of history in search of treasure.

By Tahir Shah

Enlightenment, and the death which comes before it, is the primary business of Varanasi.

By Tahir Shah

In moments of great uncertainty on my travels, I have always felt that something is protecting me, that I will come to no harm.

By Tahir Shah

A little imagination goes a long way in Fes.

By Tahir Shah

Calcutta's the only city I know where you are actively encouraged to stop strangers at random for a quick chat.

By Tahir Shah
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