As a travel writer I've specialized in gritty, fearful destinations, the kind of places that make a reader's hair stick on end.
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Tahir Shah

A journey of observation must leave as much as possible to chance. Random movement is the best plan for maximum observation

بواسطة Tahir Shah

On a harsh expedition, there's no space for anyone who does not intend to finish.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

The idea of my heart dancing with delight was far too good to pass up.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

Usually, there is nothing more pleasing that returning to a place where you have endured hardship.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

Move to a new country and you quickly see that visiting a place as a tourist, and actually moving there for good, are two very different things.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

I felt sure we could gain the upper hand by putting ourselves in the mindset of the Incas.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

Previous journeys in search of treasure have taught me that a zigzag strategy is the best way to get ahead.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

The last thing we wanted was for the Machiguenga to be sad again. Sadness appeared to bring out their violence.

بواسطة Tahir Shah

In the world of the Machiguenga, sadness could be equated with anger, and anger was a perilous emotion, by which a foreigner could lose his life.

بواسطة Tahir Shah