Be comforted; it is not from yourself that you must expect it, but on the contrary you must expect it by expecting nothing from yourself. (Page 55)
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Blaise Pascal

Men spend their time in following a ball or a hare; it is the pleasure even of kings.

By Blaise Pascal

The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.

By Blaise Pascal

Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back

By Blaise Pascal

The parrot wipes its beak although it is clean.

By Blaise Pascal

Le sentiment de la fausseté des plaisirs présents et l'ignorance de la vanité des plaisirs absents cause l'inconstance.

By Blaise Pascal -1670

Quand on aime fortement, c'est toujours une nouveauté de voir la personne aimée.

By Blaise Pascal -1652

Le passé et le présent sont nos moyens ; le seul avenir est notre fin.

By Blaise Pascal -1670
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