God, how the young and beautiful vanish and are no more seen.
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Iris Murdoch

She thought, this is the end of happiness, darkness begins here.

By Iris Murdoch

Eccentrics with unseeing eyes glided through, savouring amid so much society their own particular loneliness and private sins and sorrows.

By Iris Murdoch

Marriage is brainwashing. Not necessarily a bad thing. Your brain could do with a wash.

By Iris Murdoch

He felt, in a way so familiar as to be almost dreary, the chosen victim of the gods, the self-admitted traitor, the one destined for judgment.

By Iris Murdoch

Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.

By Iris Murdoch

Here was another 'if only' — if only he had acted quickly, spontaneously, throwing 'tact' and 'good form' to the winds. Just

By Iris Murdoch

Coffee, unless it is very good and made by somebody else, is pretty intolerable at any time.

By Iris Murdoch
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