If the dream is not bigger than me, I have mistaken an idea for a dream.
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Craig D. Lounsbrough

We have come to see pain as the antithesis of happiness. Yet without the experience of pain we would not appreciate the experience of happiness.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Despite how dark it might be, what is tonight but the precursor to tomorrow?

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Risk is the stuff that sucks the predictability right out of the very things that we desperately wish were predictable.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Risk is uncertainty injected into our most vulnerable places. And because that’s the case, we may choose not to risk.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

The more we construct lives that prioritize safety, the bigger the prison we construct around ourselves.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

The ‘gods’ that do us the greatest harm are the gods we deny having.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

It’s not about inviting great things into our lives. Rather, it’s about accepting the invitation of great things to step out of our lives.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Risk is the clue that our dreams are both real and great.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

If I am risk adverse, my growth will be reversed.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

To love is to risk.  To not love is also to risk.  Yet when it comes to love, the greatest risk is incurred when we give risk that much power.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

The box that I’ve built around me is equal to the fear that is within me.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

The choice to avoid risk is the choice to avoid living, and to avoid living is one of the greatest risk of all.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough

We must be aware that momentum born of old habits and destructive behaviors might be momentum, but it’s momentum slammed into reverse.

By Craig D. Lounsbrough
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