It's your money. Make a conscious choice on how you're going to spend it!
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Eddie de Jong

The best way to get promoted is to work yourself out of a job.

By Eddie de Jong

A parent knows that his or her parenting has been a success if the kids, once grown, still want to be friends.

By Eddie de Jong

In this context, does it sound like building habits is something worthwhile doing? You bet it does!

By Eddie de Jong

If you are serious about changing your life, you have to get into the habit of finishing what you started!

By Eddie de Jong

I will help people become the best that they can be.

By Eddie de Jong

Evaluate everything that you do, and decide if it serves or hinders you in becoming the best that you can be.

By Eddie de Jong

Don't you dare not take action on the new things you've learnt by reading this book!

By Eddie de Jong

Don't presume that your loved ones know that you love them - say it, and say it often!

By Eddie de Jong

Don't do things simply because everybody around you does it.

By Eddie de Jong

Make a conscious decision, no matter what it is, and know that that choice will have consequences.

By Eddie de Jong

Thanking someone is such a simple thing, but it is extremely rewarding, both to the giver and the receiver.

By Eddie de Jong

She is forever buying things because it is so cheap! That's financial suicide.

By Eddie de Jong

Random acts of kindness don't have to be big or even cost money. It will however make you a better person.

By Eddie de Jong

Conscious thought is required to design and build the life you want for yourself.

By Eddie de Jong

Don't buy on credit. This habit, more than any other, will eventually guarantee your financial independence, no matter what your income.

By Eddie de Jong
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