We don’t smile, but we something. We something. It hurts, the way a deep connection to someone who isn’t yours sometimes does.
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Corey Ann Haydu

Sleep comes, no matter how deep the sadness cuts. It’s like a gift from the universe.

By Corey Ann Haydu

I hate the way the world feels when love is gone

By Corey Ann Haydu

This is another awful truth of losing people you love: everyone needs something different. And the needs almost never match up.

By Corey Ann Haydu

We have to give up so many things when the people we love die. So we hang on to other familiar things.

By Corey Ann Haydu

On our own, we’d look totally normal. Together, we’re something else. Together, we’re special.

By Corey Ann Haydu

We are LornaCruzCharlotteDelilahIsla and we aren’t afraid of love, even if we’re supposed to be.

By Corey Ann Haydu

Sometimes words I think are small come out big.

By Corey Ann Haydu