I've never been afraid of being alone. For the sake of my work, I must be!

Par Ochiai Naoyuki

I want you to know that you will not be alone in your loneliness,” he said.

Par Lisa Valdez

Being alone is better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely.

Par Richard Linklater

Oh yes, it hurts at times to be alone among the stars. But it hurts a lot more to be alone at a party. A lot more.

Par George R.R. Martin

If you try you would never be alone; because the whole world is tired of loneliness.

Par M.F. Moonzajer

Arrogance and selfishness are not the only reasons behind our loneliness, but most often we used to be alone because of them.

Par M.F. Moonzajer

Beauty becomes tinged with sadness when experienced alone.

Par Ava Zavora

A man travels fastest who travels alone.

Par Agatha Christie

Loneliness is not lack of companion; it is the absence of the right people in our life. That is why we are alone even among the people.

Par M.F. Moonzajer


Par Terry Pratchett

sometimes all we need to be able to continue alone

Par Charles Bukowski

People who are all alone have every right to be friends with one another.

Par Shirley Jackson

He was free and unencumbered. Which is to say alone and unemployed.

Par Tim Winton

Never keep yourself alone. Keep talking to yourself. And you'll start feeling better.

Par Prerak Trivedi

Lately Mirabelle had reflected wistfully if people even noticed her – a smartly dressed woman who came and went along the Promenade, always alone.

Par Sara Sheridan