I want to be alone... with someone else who wants to be alone.

By Dimitri Zaik

Barbaric is letting the woman suffer to be alone for the rest of her life.

By Missy Lyons

I am not alone, in my aloneness.

By T. Scott McLeod

I preferred to look at the sea, which said nothing and never made you feel alone.

By Paula McLain

I’m alone, stumbling through the city in the dark, trying not to let the night freeze my blood.

By Isaac Marion

alone doesn't mean lonely. It just means alone. It just means that for now, you're on your own, and that's not a terrible thing.

By Hemal Jhaveri

When a man has learned how to remain alone with his suffering, how to overcome his longing to flee, then he has little left to learn.

By Albert Camus

When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as an escape.

By bell hooks

If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in poor company.

By Bryant McGill

To the extent that one is responsible for one's life, one is alone.

By Irvin D. Yalom

You are helpful, and you are loved, and you are forgiven, and you are not alone.

By John Green

You think you're alone until you realize you're in it.

By Elvis Costello

But there it is: Everyone is alone, for life, and maybe that's not such a bad thing.

By Julianna Baggott

All I know is that I shall be alone again. There is nothing more terrible than to be alone among human beings.

By Stefan Zweig

A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.

By Mandy Hale