We must be aware that momentum born of old habits and destructive behaviors might be momentum, but it’s momentum slammed into reverse.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

The more you do something the easier it gets. Don't expect it to get easier, if you're not putting in the time and energy to make that happen.

Par Akiroq Brost

If breaking a habit has been hard for you to do, hard for you even to face, then a helping hand is in order.

Par Kenneth Schwarz

Your little choices become habits that affect the bigger decisions you make in life.

Par Elizabeth George

Let go of your old tired habits and plant new habits in fertile soil.

Par Harley King

Some women have been faking orgasms for so long that they sometimes fake one when they are masturbating.

Par Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Z is for Zany! Master the Zany habit of thinking backwards. it will help you become a really great thinker!

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

Good habits are the basic tools that will determine whether you are a tortoise

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

Dream, think BIG live the life of your dreams.

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity.

Par Marcel Proust

S is for SCARY! Fear is driven out by action! Bad habits are overcome by good habits.

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

Assiduity, it means sit down until you do it. Commit yourself to your work and study.

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

I is for Integrity, be honest with yourself and others.

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

Just do it! First you make your habits, then your habits make you!

Par Lucas Remmerswaal

She liked the life she had. She loved habits. She craved a day with nothing in it, a long, quiet stretch of hours in the studio.

Par Ann Brashares