[My wife] is a great student of the Bible. Her life is ruled by the Bible more than any person I’ve ever known. That’s her rule book, her compass.

Par Billy Graham

When a husband and wife are concerned only about their own individual desires, the stage is set for conflict.

Par Billy Graham

My wife often said that “a good marriage consists of two good forgivers.

Par Billy Graham

Every divorce represents a broken dream, a shattered hope, a ruined expectation.

Par Billy Graham

Too many husbands and wives enter into marriage with the idea that their spouse exists for one purpose: to make them happy.

Par Billy Graham

Young people, look to your Bible when thinking about any matter, including getting married.

Par Billy Graham

Hecuba had the mistaken notion, just like my poor mama, that all a girl had to do was to get married and all her problems were solved overnight.

Par Costas Taktsis

There's more at stake from the ripples we make than simply passing through.

Par John Tracy Wilson

It would take a helluva man to replace no man at all.

Par Anna Quindlen

Intoxicating affections mimic marriage. They don’t last!

Par DeBorrah K. Ogans

I think mixed women from interracial marriages are beautiful, and for many reasons, all of them good.

Par Daniel Marques

Love is blind. You don't have to be.

Par Michael Gabriel

his wife might, I verily believe, be the very happiest woman the sun shines on

Par Charlotte Brontë

Marriage results in two possibilities: sometimes it results in prosperity, sometimes it results in destruction.

Par Dada Bhagwan

There is a huge college about how men and women interact with each other after marriage. But people get married without learning.

Par Dada Bhagwan