You can't disappoint what God has appointed.
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Patience Johnson

Some people want to kill goliath but they do not want to attend to sheep. How can God use you to kill giants if you cannot follow simple instructions?

By Patience Johnson

Sometimes we want God to use us to do big things when we would not even want to do the basics.

By Patience Johnson

If you can't see the assets in you, it will be hard for you to export it to the world. Recognise who you are and the world will recognise you.

By Patience Johnson

You will always end up in frustration whenever you try to produce outside your purpose.

By Patience Johnson

I don't just have only the peace of God, I do also have a God who gives peace, not just resources but the revelation of His presence.

By Patience Johnson

The things I call crisis and all the things that were coming after me are all coming to serve the purpose of God in my life.

By Patience Johnson

When you praise God in pain, it is preparing you for provision.

By Patience Johnson

I have my priorities and I know my purpose. I do not Praise God because of my pain but I praise Him because of what the pain is producing.

By Patience Johnson

I have graduated to the extent of not asking what is happening in my life because I trust the maker(God).

By Patience Johnson

When you do away with God you become your own god, because you recognise no greater power in the universe than yourself.

By Patience Johnson

All my pains has always increased my sense of purpose.

By Patience Johnson

The conflict hasn't gotten worst but the contest has really changed.............

By Patience Johnson

Man's panic does not produce God's power.....sometimes you need to pray before you post on social media.

By Patience Johnson

I have learned to thank God for what I cannot see, I have learned to trust God with what I cannot.

By Patience Johnson

Thank God #EVEN# #THOUGH# in bad times not only in your good; this is a graduated form of gratitude.

By Patience Johnson
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