You can't disappoint what God has appointed.
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Patience Johnson

God's word will produce with your level of understanding. The much you can understand it, the more wisdom you are privileged to have.

By Patience Johnson

You cannot have a dream and expect someone else's faith to make it a reality for you.

By Patience Johnson

There is no gift of principles, you must apply them if you want to move forward.

By Patience Johnson

Even with fasting and prayers you still need wisdom. At the root of every great accomplishment is wisdom. In all your getting get wisdom first.

By Patience Johnson

Every crisis is a wisdom crisis. If you have no peace around you then you lack wisdom.

By Patience Johnson

You cannot occupy a proper place on earth without wisdom. It is the principal thing you must have.

By Patience Johnson

A man with wisdom will always have a solution no matter how big his challenges may be. Wisdom makes you a problem solver.

By Patience Johnson

Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do and doing it at the right time to get the desired result. It is also the correct application of knowledge.

By Patience Johnson

Do you know where your breakthrough begins? Your breakthrough begins where your excuses ends.

By Patience Johnson
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