No one is more beautiful to me than a person who's easy to talk to.
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Marty Rubin

Be happy just as you are. Don't think you have to change a single thing about yourself.

By Marty Rubin

Freedom without happiness is like pizza without the cheese. I don't believe in it.

By Marty Rubin

Happiness is the absence of self-concern. Don't think about yourself; look up at the sky.

By Marty Rubin

Happiness is the absence of self-concern. I have always considered my future and my fate none of my business.

By Marty Rubin

Don't look for happiness. You have to be your happiness, nothing and no one else.

By Marty Rubin

Happiness lies in the physical life; sorrow in thought.

By Marty Rubin

The people who truly understand life are not the ones who study it. They're the ones who enjoy it.

By Marty Rubin

I prefer happiness to unhappiness, pleasure to pain. I'm old-fashioned that way.

By Marty Rubin

He's the happiest who's happy watching an ant climb down a wall.

By Marty Rubin

Be happy. That's the finest tribute one can pay to the dead.

By Marty Rubin

True wisdom consists in not making life any harder than it has to be.

By Marty Rubin

Treat everyone you meet with respect and you'll have a happy life.

By Marty Rubin

I think people are happiest when they're not thinking and just doing things.

By Marty Rubin

You don't have to have a dream for it to come true.

By Marty Rubin

When you're happy, you just are-you don't think about.

By Marty Rubin
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