No one is more beautiful to me than a person who's easy to talk to.
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Marty Rubin

Forget who you are and why you're here-all that foolishness. In the woods the bushes are full of blueberries; go and pick some.

By Marty Rubin

When we're not thinking but just doing things, that's when we're happiest, when we feel most fulfilled.

By Marty Rubin

Terrible dreams, wonderful life.

By Marty Rubin

What a betrayal of life, of sense, to choose hate over love, despair over happiness.

By Marty Rubin

A beggar can be happy, but not a miser.

By Marty Rubin

Maybe I'm a happy person simply because I can't imagine being otherwise. Maybe that's all happiness is: a lack of imagination.

By Marty Rubin

Something will kill me eventually but until then I'm swimming in ambrosia.

By Marty Rubin

A novel is no place to look for happiness.

By Marty Rubin

True wealth, the kind that really counts, is measured in happiness, not in dollars and cents.

By Marty Rubin

Maybe that's all happiness is: a lack of imagination.

By Marty Rubin

If you're going to be a rebel, a pariah, at least be a happy one.

By Marty Rubin

The happiest person: he enjoys everything without wanting to possess anything.

By Marty Rubin

Let the pushers and the grabbers climb their ladders, I'll stay here dancing on the ground.

By Marty Rubin

If you're going to live you might as well be happy.

By Marty Rubin

Choose your obsession. Some choose love, some art, some politics, some money, some power, some running marathons. I chose happiness.

By Marty Rubin
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