No one is more beautiful to me than a person who's easy to talk to.
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Marty Rubin

Marriage: a poetic ideal, a prosaic reality.

By Marty Rubin

Marriage vows are not made to be broken but they will be broken.

By Marty Rubin

Marriage binds people; love sets them free.

By Marty Rubin

Marriage binds a couple; love sets them free.

By Marty Rubin

Before any two people marry they should be married to freedom first.

By Marty Rubin

The ideal marriage is between two people who have never met.

By Marty Rubin

Success in politics is the art of the timely lie.

By Marty Rubin

Success in love is mostly luck, though we hate to admit.

By Marty Rubin

Too much success spoils success.

By Marty Rubin

Success is no guarantee of happiness. The only guarantee of happiness is happiness.

By Marty Rubin

People always tell me, Do your best. But I'd rather goof off.

By Marty Rubin

In the race of life, of death, no runner is ahead, no runner behind.

By Marty Rubin

Success isn't important. What's important is that one is happy and doing things one enjoys.

By Marty Rubin

Too much fanfare spoils success.

By Marty Rubin

Success reveals how little ambition is worth.

By Marty Rubin
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