She thought she was independent and strong, but she got one small taste of love and she was hungrier than anyone. She was ravenous.
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Ann Brashares

Sex could be a blissful communion,. But it could also be a weapon, and its absence, sometimes, was required for the establishment of peace.

By Ann Brashares

When she is happy, she can't stop talking, when she is sad she doesn't say a word.

By Ann Brashares

Bridget's anger evaporated and the sadness came back. The anger was easier. She owned and controlled it, whereas the sadness owned her.

By Ann Brashares

She knew whose love she doubted. It wasn't her parents' and it wasn't her friends: It was her own.

By Ann Brashares

You know what the secret is? It's so simple. We love one another. We're nice to one another. Do you know how rare that is? - Carmen

By Ann Brashares

some people fall in love over and over again while some people can only do it once.

By Ann Brashares

Let me love you, but don't love me back. Do love me and let me hate you for a while. Let me feel like I have some control, because I know I never do.

By Ann Brashares

Love who you love while you have them. That's all you can do. Let them go when you must. If you know how to love, you'll never run out.

By Ann Brashares

Parents were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world you had to earn it.

By Ann Brashares

Tibby, on the other hand, had spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with Brian striving for the comfort of not knowing.

By Ann Brashares

Together or apart, no matter how far apart, we live in one another. We go on together.

By Ann Brashares

They were the sisterhood: their mothers at a younger age.

By Ann Brashares

They were absolutely lovely, and in their presence, so was she.

By Ann Brashares

He was the strangest of strangers in that he was also her oldest friend.

By Ann Brashares

When you feel someone else's pain and joy as powerfully as if it were your own, then you know you really loved them.

By Ann Brashares