Loneliness will give you the greatest chance of ever having a beautiful relationship with another person.

By Bryant McGill

Two powerful factors which creates difference between destroying your relationship and deepening it are EGO and Attitude

By Abhishek Shukla

You’re not discontent for wanting to be in a relationship, you’re just human.

By Cole Ryan

I didn't have that kind of friendship, the forever kind of friendship that will last your whole life through, no matter what.

By Jenny Han

When you are stressed and challenged by hardships just smile through it as frowning won’t help in changing the situation

By Abhishek Shukla

I think loneliness is much better than companionship of a selfish.

By Tanmaya Guru

Very often I realize that the time people spend apart is as important in maintaining relationships as the time they spend together.

By Joyce Rachelle

I think one of the reasons why people tend to fake an entire relationship is maybe they are just afraid of being alone or are lonely right now!

By Saif Ullah

We are not defined by our individual loneliness, but by the web of relationships in which we’re enmeshed.

By Ken Liu

Do not look for company at all costs, and especially do not allow loneliness to lead you to fickle love or false friendship.

By Eraldo Banovac

If we don’t acknowledge the truth in our relationships, they simply become a state of isolation with somebody (some body) still around.

By Dragos Bratasanu

Here we go mother on the shipless ocean.

By Anne Carson

Companionship is a foreign concept to some people. They fear it as much as the majority of people fear loneliness.

By Criss Jami

While God’s will is that every marriage will endure, man’s sin has poisoned many relationships.

By Billy Graham

Without Ruth’s partnership and encouragement over the years, my own work would have been impossible. We were called by God as a team.

By Billy Graham