Alone, I relished the bird songs, the drone of hushed conversation from neighboring tables, and the gentle lapping of waves sliding on the shore.

By Marilyn Berman

Some journeys in life can only be traveled alone.

By Ken Poirot

Some journeys can only be traveled alone.

By Ken Poirot

You'll never know the kind of person you could be until you take that first step, all alone, into the great unknown. Very few take the step.

By Hannah Harding

I dare walk alone on my sacred path.

By Lailah Gifty Akita

If the body is the register of the real, then reading with one's feet is real in a way reading with one's eyes alone is not.

By Rebecca Solnit

The prettiest, selfless, adorable and innocent smiles I have ever received are from the people whom I met traveling alone

By Bhavik Sarkhedi

I think one travels more usefully when they travel alone, because they reflect more."

By Thomas Jefferson

Outside influences can only make me happiER or happiEST but I, alone control my HAPPINESS!

By Sanjo Jendayi

Happiness is standalone element. It’s not connected to anything. Least of all to power, wealth, fame or material objects.

By Rahul Shrivastava

At root, I am happy with myself. I do not mind being alone.

By Frank Herbert

On this Earth that bleeds, all joy is obscene, and all happy men must live alone

By Jean-Paul Sartre

On this Earth that bleeds, all joy is obscene, and all happy men must live alone.

By Jean Paul Sartre

In All Forms Of Relationships,  Friendship Is The Only One Facing  The Battle Alone.

By Ekeh Joe Obinna

Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it.

By mary baker eddy