It is questionable, for that matter, whether success is an adequate response to life. Success can eliminate as many options as failure.

By Tom Robbins

An empowered life begins with serious personal questions about oneself. Those answers bare the seeds of success.

By Steve Maraboli

It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?

By Henry David Thoreau

A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.

By Friedrich Nietzsche

Why didn't anyone question "It's been a hard days night" Who talks like that anyway?

By Chuck Bridges

Love comes with a knife, not some shy question, and not with fears for its reputation!

By Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi

Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not.

By Tom Robbins

But how will I know who my Soulmate is?” Brida felt that this was one of the most important questions she had ever asked in her life.

By Paulo Coelho

In love, no question is ever preposterous.

By Andre Brink

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.

By Nicole Krauss

Will you be all right?" she asked me. It was not an empty question; she genuinely listened for my reply.

By Robin Hobb

I don't question anything further because you don't question people when they open up to you: you just listen. Or, you should.

By Kyle Labe

True friendship never questions what it costs you.

By Stephen Richards

ESTRAGON: Don't touch me! Don't question me! Don't speak to me! Stay with me!

By Samuel Beckett

The question, love, is whether you want me enough to take the risk.

By Lisa Kleypas