My motto? Don’t trust someone who is just as cagey as yourself."

By Peggy A. Edelheit

You cannot expect a bird to be happy because you bought him a golden cage.

By Zain Baloch

A bird in a cage is not happy, even if you bought him a golden cage.

By Zain Baloch

When a Wanderess has been caged,

By Roman Payne

I brought the birdcages to the windows.

By Jonathan Safran Foer

Was marriage invented to cage love?

By Nilesh Rathod

Marriage did not just cage millions of people. It has also freed them from their obsession to be seen as worthy of being with by their partners.

By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

America, my dear, I hope you find something, in this cage worth fighting for.

By Kiera Cass

[Marriage] happens as with cages: the birds without despair to get in, and those within despair of getting out.

By Michel de Montaigne

The moon is in a holding cell, grasped between the bones of his failing ribcage.

By Grace Curley

I slept under the moonlight and set my soul free, caged within jars like fireflies".

By Prajakta Mhadnak

When people change & make you feel small, I'll tuck you into my pocket & feed you cheese, until courage coaxes the tiger out of your rib cage.

By Curtis Tyrone Jones

Friends don’t build cages for each other.

By Karen Marie Moning

Good character going bad is like a beast escaping it's cage; it will be hard to capture it again!

By Israelmore Ayivor

Their eyes locked for a single moment, and Nick felt his heart jackhammering violently in his chest like it wanted to crack his rib cage open.

By Poem Schway