Our lifestyle, our life, the way we think and do things, really is a practice; a daily practice.

Par Akiroq Brost

Doing what we love, investing in ourselves pays off.

Par Akiroq Brost

Life really is a practice and becomes what you practice.

Par Akiroq Brost

Build you a life you don't need to escape from by balancing your time, by taking rest when you need to, but doing things you love and enjoy.

Par Akiroq Brost

Create daily habits that will create a higher quality of life. Remember, our lives become whatever we practice.

Par Akiroq Brost

There is no harm in having big dreams. Rather have this as a habit. It's worth!

Par Kankane Rakhi Surendra

Writing is work. Anyone can do this, anyone can learn to do this. It's not rocket science; it's habits of mind and habits of work.

Par Alexander Chee

I am neither drinking(alcohol) nor smoking. I just take TEA for Thinking, Energy, and Acting.

Par Dr Sivakumar Gowder

Not tailgating acknowledges the mystery and humanity of strangers. It's one of those small habits that speaks volumes.

Par Marisa de los Santos

Life is a daily battle with people and things that are trying to change us and those that are trying to prevent us from changing.

Par Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Small wins are exactly what they sound like, and are part of how keystone habits create widespread changes.

Par Charles Duhigg

When you learn to force yourself to practice for an hour or run fifteen laps, you start building self-regulatory strength.” Heatherton.

Par Charles Duhigg

We only irritate ourselves when we scratch at an itch that no longer exists.

Par Jason N Versey

We are creatures of habit, and leveraging our habitual tendencies is one of the best ways to develop discipline.

Par Ernest Cadorin

Journaling can be an excellent way to increase self-awareness, discover and change habits.

Par Akiroq Brost