Even when he played, he made a business of it.

By H.W. Brands

Spiritual disciplines answer the shallow world.

By Richard J Foster

Old habits for old people; reinvent yourself!

By T.F. Hodge

He, who dares seek God's presence, will receive His blessings and favours.

By Lailah Gifty Akita

Courage is a requirement for facing your fears, doing things differently, and applying any new habits that align with and support your goals.

By John Manning

Old habits for old people; reinvent yourself while you still can!

By T.F. Hodge

Don't buy on credit. This habit, more than any other, will eventually guarantee your financial independence, no matter what your income.

By Eddie de Jong

To get more money to spend on yourself - don't buy on credit!

By Eddie de Jong

Watching TV together does not count as dedicated family time!

By Eddie de Jong

You can decide to ignore the naysayers, put your head down and work on becoming the best you can.

By Eddie de Jong

We change, but always at a cost: to win this you lose that.

By Geoffrey Wolff

Do you want to be rich spiritually? Begin by building godly habits.

By Lori Hatcher

Old Ways May Not Give You Up

By James M. Robinson

The key is to realize that you have a choice on how to spend your money.

By Eddie de Jong

Eventually your little choices are going to become habits that affect the bigger decisions you make in life.

By Jim George