Why do ever think about to get married??

By DeYtH Banger

Maybe it's a good idea," said Kathy.

By Charlie Close

The marriage seemed to flourish on Father’s extended absences. ” Ragtime

By E. L. Doctorow

Marriage is nothing but a commitment to care and share.

By Debasish Mridha

Men (who cheat) do not cheat because they are dogs. They are (regarded as) dogs because they cheat.

By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

I have a theory that while a man might not always get the wife he wants or needs, he always gets the wife he deserves.

By Marlon James

I suppose one oughtn’t to marry anybody, unless one’s prepared to make him a full-time job.

By Dorothy L. Sayers

For the crown of our life as it closes

By Algernon Charles Swinburne

In the break-up of a marriage the world inclines to take the side of the partner with most vitality, rather than the one apparently least to blame.

By Anthony Powell

My husband says spring will be early.

By Lisel Mueller

Lorenzo: In such a night stood Dido with a willow in her hand upon the wild sea-banks, and waft her love to come again to Carthage

By William Shakespeare

Create your own path.Don't blindly follow the massess... because most of the time the "M" is silent.

By Abhishek Shukla

Mathilde and Lotto held hands in the taxi going to brunch, communicating, not speaking.

By Lauren Groff

Marriage is a long conversation, someone once said, and maybe so is a rock band's life. A few minutes later, both were done.

By Kim Gordon

You need to be my wife to win with me.

By Pawan Mishra